Sixth week


Hello, my friends!  I have arrived to show you one more week of my studies. Let's get started.😁

USA learns English

Recreation and weather (finished 1st English Course)

Workes and workplace (Started 2nd English Course)



Tip: Use your voice recorder for fixing pronouncements of vocabulary that you are listening to and do this by washing dishes, cleaning, and don't forget: listening and speaking.

Learn English with Rebecca

Future simple with 'Will'


Exercises tenses will future negation

Exercises tenses questions short answers will future

Exercises questions will future

Exercises tenses will future mix

Exercises tenses will future statements


Analysis: A Surprise Accusation Bolsters a Risky Case Against Trump

How Russia’s Offensive Ran Aground

Sounds of science: how music at work can fine-tune your research

I do this every day:

Until next post... bye-bye !👋

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