The best materials free for studying for the IELTS exam


Hello everyone! 

If you don't have money to pay for the course, come here and enjoy this free material. <3

1- Wonderful websites with teachers talk about the IELTS exam with tips on the exam and providing tips, explanations for each question, and exercises with answers.






2- On these websites you can find how IELTS functions, tips for your speaking, listening, writing, and reading, and how to improve these skills. 

Academic English Co./IELTS

IELTS academic

Studyabroad Careers 360/ielts preparation tips

IELTS podcast

3- Free online IELTS practice tests, You can find a variety of free online IELTS practice tests to help you practice your timing and technique before taking your official IELTS test.

British Council/ free ielts practice tests


4- The best book for practicing each type of question from IELTS  (not free)

The Official Cambridge Guide to Ielts Student's Book with Answers

Stay focused. Bye-bye.👋😘


  1. This is likely the most comprehensive list of resources to be prepared. It is not enough to know English you need to know IELTS :P


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