Improve your English by making videos

 Hello, my friends <3

How is your English? Improving each day? I hope so!

So, I'm here to give tips on how to improve your English by making videos. Let's begin!

You know that story," you learn by teaching?" It works for English too! 

Create a class about things that you like. If you are learning English for a specific test, such as IELTS or TOEFL, consider making a more academic-oriented class, In that case, you'll need to use more complex and formal vocabulary.

How can you build a class and learn English? Let's explore some tips!

1- Choose one theme

If you are studying English to travel, hobby... you can choose one theme which you like (movie, make-up, games...etc).

If you study English to pass the test... you MUST choose more academic themes. Why? this will help you to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of the test. Consider themes like documentaries, news journals, science, economy, English classes, etc.

In the video below, I prepared a class on prepositions of manner. 

2- Study the chosen theme 

Take notes and prepare your script for the video. Aim for short presentations (10-15 minutes). Remember: you have other things to study as well. Lol, don't spend too much time on this lesson.

3- Build your class

you can use PowerPoint, Canva or make a video of yourself just talking. Personally, I prefer making slides as they are more didactic, and I also put them on my blog :) Whit your script ready, practice speaking out loud, especially focusing on the words you find difficult to pronounce. For this, you can use this app: (here you'll learn how a native speaker pronounces words).

4- choose one day of the week to present

Make a video of your presentation and see your mistakes and successes. Try to improve your weaknesses. You can put your video, on instagram, on your blog, tik tok... wherever you want. :)


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