How To Practice Your Writing In English


Hello everyone.👋 As promised, I will talk to you step by step about How I practice my writing skills in English. 


First Step: 

Allocate one day of the week to focus solely on improving your writing skills.

Second Step:

Create a list of what you can do on your writing day.  

My list consists of six reminders of what I can do. 

Below, you can see my reminders.

Third Step: 

Make a list to check and revise your own writing. You can create your correction keys. A correction key has symbols that you understand. Use a different color in correction, whether on the computer or paper. 

My correction symbols are listed below.


Fourth step:

You need to put into practice the correction of your writing.

How do you do this?

It's simple. Choose where you will practice your writing, paper or computer. Personally, I use the computer and have a dedicated folder (my English diary) for it. When using your correction symbols, employ a different color on the computer or paper.

Near your correction key, you must put your correction, I recommend using the Chat GPT to correct your text ( put the explain the chat GPT in your comment). 

Below, you can see one example of my correction in Microsoft Word.

Fifth step: 

Try rewriting the same text, keeping in mind the corrections you've made.

That's it, folks! Put these steps into practice and enjoy the process. 

See you soon, and take care!💪😁


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