My Brief English Tips: Many Ways to Express 'ficar' in English (for Brazilians)

Hello guys!

This post is specifically for Brazilians. When I began conversing with native speakers, I encountered challenges in using the Portuguese verb 'ficar' in English. Consequently, I decided to study and practice the various ways this verb is expressed in English.  So, I've decided to share what I've learned with you.

Let's learn!

The table bellows there is the explanation and vocabulary used in English when you want to use the word 'ficar':





Ficar (em um lugar)


"I will stay at home today."

Permanecer em um local

Ficar (em uma condição)


"She remained calm despite the chaos."

Permanecer em um estado ou condição

Ficar (ficar interessado)

Become / Get

"He became interested in the new project." / "He got interested in the new project."

Mudança de estado ou sentimento

Ficar (ficar preso)

Get stuck / Be stuck

"I got stuck in traffic." / "I was stuck in traffic."

Resultado inesperado ou condição

Ficar (ficar atrasado)

Get delayed

"We got delayed due to the accident."

Mudança de estado devido a um atraso

Ficar (ficar feliz/triste)

Get / Be

"She got happy about the news." / "She was happy about the news."

Sentimentos ou estados emocionais

Ficar (ficar em dúvida)

Be uncertain / Be in doubt

"I was uncertain about the decision." / "I was in doubt about the decision."

Estado de incerteza ou dúvida

Ficar (ficar ocupado)

Get busy

"He got busy with work and couldn't attend the meeting."

Estado de estar ocupado


Bye bye! ;)


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