Closing a Chapter, Opening a New One: My Journey to a PhD in Helsinki
It is
with sadness, but also with happiness, that I inform you that my English blog, I’m
a Scientist, has completed its mission! I have learned a lot over these two
years, sharing my English studies and my adventure of looking for a doctorate
received my IELTS result on 17-02-25, and I did it! My goal was 6.5, and I
achieved 7.0. I am over the moon!! Furthermore, in the next day, I was selected
for the JRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science (link) in
Milan, Italy, in May! And, the day after, one more good news: I was selected to
be a student ambassador for the University of Helsinki. I will show you
all what is happening at the university, so stay tuned!
folks, I encourage you to do as I did and pursue your dreams because they can
come true! It took almost two years of preparation for all of this. Although I
was scared, I think I am prepared to do it. Additionally, I believe this
blog has everything you need to build a strong foundation for learning English
on your own and for free! My blog will remain available for anyone who wants to
improve or start their English studies.
At this
exact moment, I am in Helsinki, Finland, for a new journey. My
doctorate is in precision cancer medicine (iCANDOC) at the
University of Helsinki in Saksela’s Lab (Virology). My research focuses
on a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy, using engineered sherpabodies
to construct and characterize several bispecific antibody-based immune-cell
engager (BsAb-ICE) designs, including:
- SheBiTEs for
cytotoxic T cell recruitment,
- SheBiKEs for
NK cell recruitment, and
- SheBi40s for
CD40-mediated antigen-presenting cell recruitment and activation.
My work
aims to provide proof of concept for these novel molecules in cell
culture studies, with the goal of improving the specificity, potency, and
safety of cancer immunotherapy. The potential impact of this research is to
identify lead molecules for more effective and accessible cancer treatments.
This journey will take three years of hard work, learning, and unique experiences. I want to share this journey with you on another platform, which I will build soon and share here on this blog, Instagram (samara_scientist), and Linkedin.
Closing This Chapter
To close
this chapter of my life, I would like to thank many people who helped me get
- My
husband, Frederico, for cheering me on at every stage I
conquered, for believing in me, and for always reminding me that I am
capable. Thank you for your advice, patience, and all the help and support
during my academic journey.
- To
all the amazing, kind and knowledgeable PIs (below) that I had a chance to
know, exchange emails, and write projects together in this past year. You
will always be a reference and an inspiration.
- Prof.
Saksela, my new supervisor, thank you for the hundreds of exchanged
emails. They were so important in developing our project. I appreciate
your trust, understanding and all the support in getting to Helsinki.
- Prof.
Emily Clark (University of Edinburgh), who was the first
supervisor to send me a sweet email praising my CV and encouraging me to
keep trying in my very first cold email.
- Prof.
Jayne Hope (University of Edinburgh), who was the first
supervisor to believe in my potential selecting me for her project, and
with whom I had my first conversation via Zoom. Prof. Jayne is an
incredible and kind person! Her compliments on my CV and my journey so far
encouraged me to follow my dreams. She will always have a special place in
my heart.
- Dr. Joseph Neary (University of Liverpool), a fun and friendly supervisor. He was another person who selected me for his project and sent me emails encouraging me to move forward when I was a spot away of receiving one of the DTP scholarships. I will never forget him saying: “I will be jealous of the research group that is lucky enough to have you join them!” See? He is so kind and fun. 😁
- Dr.
Tero Ahola (University of Helsinki),
who not only replied my cold e-mail about opportunities in his lab for
Doctoral Education Pilot program, but also offered to make a zoom call
with me to help me with any doubts I had about UH, PhD etc., even not
having a project at the time! So grateful for the months of learning
exchanging emails with you.
- The
Doctor Pilot team, Jesse, Maria, and Tiina, who guided me
through all the process, answering all my doubts in dozens of emails since
the first call one year ago!
- Eleanor
and her International Staff team, who helped me to be sure I will
be part of UH without any issues or doubts.
- To iCAN/ICANDOC team (in
particular Mila, for all the support and encouragement in these final
weeks), for making this possible! It is such a state of the art initiative
and an honor to be part of.
- My
new colleagues, with whom I had great conversations and
received helpful tips, thank you, Hansan, Zachery, and Tammy.
- My
former supervisor, Dr. Raymundo Rizaldo, who opened the doors of
his laboratory and believed in my potential as a researcher for six years.
He helped me love and understand the value of scientific research and
provided valuable lessons on ethics and responsibility. Thank you for
making this time of learning so smooth and fulfilling.
- Dr.
Ana Lidia and Prof. Renato Peixoto, who guided me, answered my
questions, and taught me during my time at EMBRAPA Goats and Sheep.
- My sister-in-law Cristina, for always cheering for me, being there to help in bad times, and celebrating with me in happy times. <3
- My friends and language partners, Andrew, Owen, Jason, and Richard, for always encouraging me with my spoken English, not letting me give up on my dreams, and helping me improve my English speaking.
I also
want to thank the veterinarians who helped us make this journey possible
with our dogs by taking care of their health with love and dedication:
- Jucá,
Camila, Mayara, Janyne, Diego, Jeferson (orthopedist), Gabriel
(physiotherapist), Catia (cardiologist), Junior (nephrologist), Lídia
(ophthalmologist), and Israel (neurologist).
- All
the veterinarians from the State University of Ceará.
- Miwa,
Flavia, and Juliana (The Pet Friendly), who helped us with tips
for our trip with our dogs.
And last
but not least...
A Thank You to Myself 😊
crying but not giving up, for thinking it was impossible but pushing forward,
for choosing to follow a tough study schedule to learn English, prepare for
IELTS... and for making this dream come true!
Thank you
to my readers for sticking with me through this process. I hope I have helped
and encouraged you to pursue your dreams.
Below is a video sharing a little about my journey
so far. Have fun!
Kisses and hugs to you all (as a good Brazilian would say!😘).
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